Brogade 8
4600 Køge
Instagram ID: @House Pioneer
Who are you and what is your role within the store?
I am Søren Marsner, 55 years and the owner of Pioneer - the Jeans & Comic Store.

Can you describe what kind of store you have?
Our main business is to be a jeans-dealer and we sell Jeans for Men and Women.
My old boss opened the store back in 1963 and I bought the Jeans store back in 2001.In 2013 we changed location in town as we invested and bought the building next to our old shop.

The new Jeans Store made it possible for us to have 2 plans ; The ground floor with Jeans for men & Woman and the “Underground” store with mainly selling Comic's products, especially Tintin, but also Asterix, Lucky Luke, Disney etc. From the basement we also sell Comic figures, posters, cartoon T-Shirts, new and old Comics plus Comic's original art.

the 'underground store' with comic's products
Which brands are the core of the store collection?
On the ground floor for Jeans, our core exists of : Levi`s, Lee, Lee 101, Diesel, Wrangler and Dockers. In the “Underground” basement Tintin is our star product.

Is there one brand in particular that is selling the best at the moment, which one is it, and - why do you think it’s so successful?
For the moment it`s absolutely Levi`s – the worlds oldest Jeans brand which sells the best. But right after that we are selling Lee, Wrangler and Diesel. Levi`s is doing good because the have been true to their styles and shapes. And they are a good supplier, with articles in stock when we need to order products.

How do you select/spot new brands to add to the store?
We go our own way really. What we like ourselves is often what we easily sell to our costumers. It´s all about passion in the end – and people can always feel if you are dedicated in what you are doing and feel the right atmosphere.
What is your favorite pair of jeans?
Levi`s 501 and Lee 101 Raw denim.
How important are social channels to the store these days?
Extremely important... not a day without posting something on Instagram and facebook.
What kind of music are you playing mostly in the store?
All sounds of music, really ; Jazz, Blues, Rock, Pop.. and sometimes we also stream music videos & concerts on our television in the Store.
Are you selling other goods as well next to clothing and, if so, what kind of products?
Since 2009 we have been selling hats and Sixpence caps and we are continuing a good development with these products. Some 10 years ago we had sneakers, but we have changed these for the hats, which was a very succesfull move. Next to that we sell Boots, such as Red Wing, Blundstone and Docksides. And of course our Tintin department is very popular.

hats & sixpence caps
What can we expect in the future of the store?
Surely we expect to be still in the business with our Jeans, Comics, head wear and boots in the future to come. We will be true to our concept and continue to offer great service for our costumers.
Our motto is : all the best brands, all sizes, all lengths, all washes - all under one roof. For men & women.
It`s important for us not only to be a supplier of Jeans, but also in other denim products such as shirts, jackets, overall`s and many more...
